GET Journey/{from}/to/{to}

Returns the itinerary from {from} to {to} in the OpenTripPlanner format.


Parameter Example value Description
from 49.59744,6.14077 GPS latitude float and longitude float separated by a comma
to 49.542,6.19942 GPS latitude float and longitude float separated by a comma

Resource URL{from}/to/{to}


The response will be formatted as a JSON.

Object properties

The OpenTripPlanner API documentation can be found here:

Sample request & response


    "error": "null",
    "requestParameters": {
        "time": "14:07:40",
        "arriveBy": true,
        "maxWalkDistance": 2000,
        "fromPlace": "NONE",
        "toPlace": "NONE",
        "date": "2016-10-11",
        "mode": "TRANSIT,WALK"
    "plan": {
        "date": 1476144000000,
        "from": {
            "name": "NONE",
            "stopId": {
                "agencyId": "NL",
                "id": "NONE"
            "stopCode": null,
            "platformCode": null,
            "lat": 0,
            "lon": 0,
            "wheelchairBoarding": null,
            "visualAccessible": null,
            "arrival": null,
            "departure": null
        "to": {
            "name": "NONE",
            "stopId": {
                "agencyId": "NL",
                "id": "NONE"
            "stopCode": null,
            "platformCode": null,
            "lat": 0,
            "lon": 0,
            "wheelchairBoarding": null,
            "visualAccessible": null,
            "arrival": null,
            "departure": null
        "itineraries": [{
            "duration": 1392000,
            "startTime": 1476185628000,
            "endTime": 1476187020000,
            "transfers": 0,
            "legs": [{
                "from": {
                    "name": "NONE",
                    "stopId": {
                        "agencyId": "NL",
                        "id": "NONE"
                    "stopCode": null,
                    "platformCode": null,
                    "lat": 0,
                    "lon": 0,
                    "wheelchairBoarding": null,
                    "visualAccessible": null,
                    "arrival": null,
                    "departure": 1476185628000
                "to": {
                    "name": "Bonnevoie, Hippodrome",
                    "stopId": {
                        "agencyId": "NL",
                        "id": "200404016"
                    "stopCode": null,
                    "platformCode": "",
                    "lat": 49.5933,
                    "lon": 6.13905,
                    "wheelchairBoarding": null,
                    "visualAccessible": null,
                    "arrival": 1476186000000,
                    "departure": null
                "mode": "WALK",
                "startTime": 1476185628000,
                "endTime": 1476186000000,
                "departureDelay": 0,
                "arrivalDelay": 0,
                "route": null,
                "routeShortName": null,
                "routeLongName": null,
                "routeId": null,
                "routeColor": null,
                "routeTextColor": null,
                "headsign": null,
                "tripId": null,
                "serviceDate": "",
                "agencyId": null,
                "agencyName": null,
                "agencyUrl": null,
                "wheelchairAccessible": null,
                "productCategory": null,
                "legGeometry": {
                    "points": "__vmHyjnd@zXvI",
                    "levels": null,
                    "length": 2
                "intermediateStops": [],
                "duration": 372000
            }, {
                "from": {
                    "name": "Bonnevoie, Hippodrome",
                    "stopId": {
                        "agencyId": "NL",
                        "id": "200404016"
                    "stopCode": null,
                    "platformCode": "",
                    "lat": 49.5933,
                    "lon": 6.13905,
                    "wheelchairBoarding": null,
                    "visualAccessible": null,
                    "arrival": null,
                    "departure": 1476186000000
                "to": {
                    "name": "Weiler-la-Tour, Gëltz",
                    "stopId": {
                        "agencyId": "NL",
                        "id": "201103002"
                    "stopCode": null,
                    "platformCode": "",
                    "lat": 49.542,
                    "lon": 6.19942,
                    "wheelchairBoarding": null,
                    "visualAccessible": null,
                    "arrival": 1476187020000,
                    "departure": null
                "mode": "BUS",
                "startTime": 1476186000000,
                "endTime": 1476187020000,
                "departureDelay": 0,
                "arrivalDelay": 0,
                "route": "Hassel, Küneftchen - Kirchberg, Rehazenter",
                "routeShortName": "192",
                "routeLongName": "Hassel, Küneftchen - Kirchberg, Rehazenter",
                "routeId": "3:CFLBUS:192",
                "routeColor": "",
                "routeTextColor": "",
                "headsign": "Hassel, Küneftchen",
                "tripId": "3:CFLBUS:256",
                "serviceDate": "20161011",
                "agencyId": "3",
                "agencyName": "RGTR",
                "agencyUrl": "",
                "agencyTimeZoneOffset": "7200000",
                "wheelchairAccessible": null,
                "productCategory": "Bus",
                "legGeometry": {
                    "points": "ceumHa`nd@pPyJvZqPbY}\\x\\q_@`VmUjKwO`ViEpR}FvjBghAzsA}d@qb@axAwNw^",
                    "levels": null,
                    "length": 13
                "intermediateStops": [],
                "duration": 1020000
            }, {
                "from": {
                    "name": "Weiler-la-Tour, Gëltz",
                    "stopId": {
                        "agencyId": "NL",
                        "id": "201103002"
                    "stopCode": null,
                    "platformCode": "",
                    "lat": 49.542,
                    "lon": 6.19942,
                    "wheelchairBoarding": null,
                    "visualAccessible": null,
                    "arrival": null,
                    "departure": 1476187020000
                "to": {
                    "name": "NONE",
                    "stopId": {
                        "agencyId": "NL",
                        "id": "NONE"
                    "stopCode": null,
                    "platformCode": null,
                    "lat": 0,
                    "lon": 0,
                    "wheelchairBoarding": null,
                    "visualAccessible": null,
                    "arrival": 1476187020000,
                    "departure": null
                "mode": "WALK",
                "startTime": 1476187020000,
                "endTime": 1476187020000,
                "departureDelay": 0,
                "arrivalDelay": 0,
                "route": null,
                "routeShortName": null,
                "routeLongName": null,
                "routeId": null,
                "routeColor": null,
                "routeTextColor": null,
                "headsign": null,
                "tripId": null,
                "serviceDate": "",
                "agencyId": null,
                "agencyName": null,
                "agencyUrl": null,
                "wheelchairAccessible": null,
                "productCategory": null,
                "legGeometry": {
                    "points": "odkmHkyyd@??",
                    "levels": null,
                    "length": 2
                "intermediateStops": [],
                "duration": 0
            "walkTime": 372,
            "transitTime": 1020,
            "waitingTime": 0,
            "walkDistance": 372,
            "walkLimitExceeded": false,
            "elevationLost": 0,
            "elevationGained": 0,
            "occupancyStatus": null


Please refer to Journey for information about the journey planners' data licensing.


Made by Daniel Duton & Thierry Degeling from ION Network Solutions.

Sponsored by Digital Lëtzebuerg.

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